29 results
Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2025
The Marlborough District Council (Council) is proposing to replace its 2017 Waste Bylaw which has been superseded by legislative changes and the new kerbside collection service. Under the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) and the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (WMA), Council has the authority to regulate waste management related activities in the Marlborough region. The proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2025 is an important next step in... MoreOpened 10 March 2025 -
Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve Management Plan
The Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve is a small popular recreation reserve located on the eastern side of Waikawa Bay between Port Underwood Road/Waikawa Road and the sea. The Reserve is used as a base for picnicking, swimming, launching small craft and trailered boats and providing access to moored boats within Waikawa Bay. The Reserve is of great significance for Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a- Māui . The Reserve is also very important to residents and visitors who enjoy its many... MoreClosed 7 March 2025 -
Te Whānau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Management Plan
Grovetown Lagoon is a remnant oxbow, or horseshoe lake adjacent to the Wairau River, four kilometres northeast of Blenheim. The Lagoon has become a popular area for walking, biking, picnicking, kayaking and bird watching as a result of the continuing restoration efforts of Te Whānau Hou Grovetown Lagoon Incorporated (the Society) over the last 20+ years. Te Whānau Hou means a new family and the foundation of the group is a cooperative partnership between Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Toa... MoreOpened 6 March 2025 -
Proposed Draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2025
We are proposing to replace the Trade Waste Bylaw 2011 with the proposed Draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2025 (Draft Bylaw). Trade waste discharged into the public wastewater system can negatively impact the environment, public health, and Council infrastructure. It is produced by various businesses, including wine producers, manufacturers, food outlets, service stations, hairdressers, abattoirs, fish/mussel processing, dentists and medical centres. The proposed Draft... MoreOpened 3 March 2025 -
Dog Registration Survey 2024
Council are asking you to have your say on how you found this years dog registration. MoreClosed 7 January 2025 -
Navigation of Services for Older Adults
We are reaching out for your help to gather vital data. A group of interested parties has formed (Grey Power Marlborough, PSUSI Te Waiharakeke + CAB Marlborough) along with Council, have identified a growing concern around the needs of Marlborough's population over the age of 65, approximately 12,510 (23.9%) of the total population. Over the last year it has become increasingly evident that some of Marlborough's seniors have needs that are more complex and concerning. Community organisations... MoreClosed 23 December 2024 -
Destination Marlborough Future Paths Project Survey
The Council invites your feedback on the future of visitor industry support services in Marlborough. This survey forms part of the Destination Marlborough Future Path Project. You are encouraged to read the engagement document prior to completing this survey. Go to Destination Marlborough Future Path Project Engagement Booklet The purpose of the Future Path Project is to rescope and redesign the future role, purpose, functions, structure and resourcing of... MoreClosed 17 November 2024 -
Marlborough Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan Submission
It has never been more important to be prepared. With the increasing effects of climate change, our region faces more hazards than ever. Marlborough has experienced severe weather events in 2021 and 2022, leading to evacuations, landslips, farm damage, and significant road network destruction. Fortunately, there was no loss of life. The potential rupture of the Alpine Fault (AF8) remains a significant concern. Reviewed every five years, the plan provides clarity and... MoreClosed 4 October 2024 -
Further Submission - PMEP Variation 7: Urban Residential Four (UR4)
Go directly to Further Submission form On 17 April 2024, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 7: Urban Residential Four to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan. The purpose of the variation is to introduce a new planning framework for ‘Medium Density Housing’ in a greenfields situation, referred to as Urban Residential Four (UR4). This will include new provisions, policy, and accompanying zone rule framework. Go to the Variation 7: Urban Residential... MoreClosed 22 August 2024 -
Further Submission - PMEP Variation 6: Kerepi Site Rezoning
Go directly to Further Submission form On 17 April 2024, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 6: Kerepi Site Rezoning. Marlborough District Council is proposing to make changes to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP) by rezoning 12ha of Lot 2 DP578788 (44 - 46 Old Renwick Road) for residential purposes. The site is currently zoned as ‘Rural Environment’ within both the Wairau / Awatere Plan and the PMEP. The variation specifically proposes to:... MoreClosed 22 August 2024 -
Draft Wither Hills Management Plan
For many people today the Wither Hills Farm Park (Park) is a place to walk, run, mountain bike, experience the feel of being in the ‘country’ or simply recognise its place as a backdrop to Blenheim. However, its origins stemmed from the need to manage significant soil erosion problems, which were a potential threat to Blenheim. The need to address soil erosion issues is ongoing and therefore public access to the farm park is enabled within a soil conservation management... MoreClosed 9 August 2024 -
PMEP Variation 7: Urban Residential Four
On 17 April 2024, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 7: Urban Residential Four to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan. The purpose of the variation is to introduce a new planning framework for ‘Medium Density Housing’ in a greenfields situation, referred to as Urban Residential Four (UR4). This will include new provisions, policy, and accompanying zone rule framework. Go to the Variation 7: Urban Residential Four webpage ... MoreClosed 14 May 2024 -
PMEP Variation 6: Kerepi Site Rezoning
On 17 April 2024 , the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 6: Kerepi Site Rezoning. Marlborough District Council is proposing to make changes to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP) by rezoning 12ha of Lot 2 DP578788 for residential purposes. The site is currently zoned as ‘Rural Environment’ within both the Wairau / Awatere Plan and the PMEP. The variation specifically proposes to: Rezone 5.5ha from Rural... MoreClosed 14 May 2024 -
Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-34
The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) underpins the region's road network and transportation planning, as well as the investment priorities over the next ten years on both the state highway and local road networks. From a statutory perspective, the RLTP meets the requirements of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 and contributes to the overall aim of the Act. This RLTP recognises that the transport network we have traditionally relied on may not be appropriate for the future. The... MoreClosed 13 May 2024 -
2024-2034 Long Term Plan (LTP) Consultation
Te kupu whakataki nā te Mea Mayor’s introduction Council’s mission statement is to “invest in Marlborough's future, our people, quality lifestyle and outstanding natural environment.” It’s my job as Mayor to ensure Council has the plan in place to help Marlborough succeed - and that the plan is achievable, fair and affordable. Every three years we update our 10 year Long Term Plan to take into account the changing needs of our district. We... MoreClosed 13 May 2024 -
Review of Tree Policy
The Council’s first Tree Policy was adopted in June 2020. The Policy was developed to provide policy guidance and a consistent approach to the planning, planting, monitoring, maintenance and protection and removal of trees on land that is actively managed by the Parks and Open Spaces Section of the Council. An internal review has now been undertaken by the Council with only relatively minor changes being made. Public feedback is now being sought on the reviewed Policy. You are... MoreClosed 7 March 2024 -
Marlborough Airport: A Sustainable Future
Marlborough Airport Limited (MAL) has been working with stakeholders to identify its most important issues to foster a sustainable future, including environmental, social, economic and cultural issues. Through several discussions with stakeholders over the past few months, we have identified 20 topics that we think are important to our operations now and in the future. We opened a public survey on these issues from December 2023 to February 2024. MoreClosed 13 February 2024 -
Blenheim Town Health Check - Pedestrian Survey
The 2023/24 Blenheim Town Centre Health Check is the seventh continuous report of its kind produced by the Marlborough District Council. The pedestrian survey is one element of this annual Health Check, designed to gather a collective view of how the Blenheim CBD is received. It is a chance for locals to comment on both strengths and weaknesses of the CBD, so that any issues are highlighted, and conversely, any improvements that have been made, and that could be made are... MoreClosed 22 January 2024 -
Picton Town Health Check - Pedestrian Survey
The 2023/24 Picton Town Centre Health Check is the seventh continuous report of its kind produced by the Marlborough District Council. The pedestrian survey is one element of this annual Health Check, designed to gather a collective view of how the Picton CBD is received. It is a chance for locals to comment on both strengths and weaknesses of the CBD, so that any issues are highlighted, and conversely, any improvements that have been made, and that could be made are acknowledged.... MoreClosed 22 January 2024 -
NPS-FM 2020 Community Engagement Round Two
The Government’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020) requires councils to identify, through community and tangata whenua engagement, the values, visions, and aspirations for freshwater in the region. Council completed the 1st round of engagement earlier this year, which focussed on Freshwater Management Units (FMU), freshwater visions, and freshwater values. Our Proposal In order to implement the NPS-FM 2020, council is... MoreClosed 15 December 2023 -
Review of Specialist Change Facilities Policy
The Council is reviewing its Specialist Change Facilities Policy that was first adopted in 2020. Specialist change facilities are a dedicated area where people with multiple or complex disabilities can be changed or toileted by their caregiver in a safe and clean environment. The current policy, which can be viewed below, provides guidance on the Council's provision of specialist change facilities. Specialist Change Facilities Policy Background information on development of... MoreClosed 27 October 2023 -
Small Townships Okiwi Bay Community Consultation
The Small Townships Programme is a programme supporting small townships connection to the council and the delivery of development in outdoor public spaces. The Small Townships purpose is to focus on projects and actions that support The design a liveable town with an attractive central space Allow freedom of movement, connectivity and accessibility Strengthen a sense of place and unique identity Enhance the use, enjoyment and pride in outdoor public spaces ... MoreClosed 23 October 2023 -
Navigation Bylaw
The Marlborough District Council (Council) is proposing to replace its 2009 Navigation Bylaw. Under the Maritime Transport Act 1994 (MTA), the Council has the authority to regulate ports, harbours, waters and maritime-related activities in the Marlborough region. Under section 33M of the MTA, the Council has the power to make bylaws for the purpose of ensuring maritime safety in the region. In 2010 the Council adopted the Navigation Bylaw 2009 which covered all areas in... MoreClosed 1 October 2023 -
Welcoming Week Survey
1 - 10 September 2023 Thank you for joining us for the 1st Welcoming Week in Marlborough. We would love to hear your thoughts about the event(s) that you attended as part of Welcoming Week. Thank you for taking the time to fill in the short survey. If you enter your email in the survey you will have that chance to will a $25 gift card. MoreClosed 24 September 2023 -
Dangerous, Earthquake-prone and Flood-prone Dams Policy Review
The Marlborough District Council (Council) is proposing to review its 2018 Dangerous, Earthquake-prone and Flood-prone Dams policy. Under the s161 of the Building Act a Regional Authority is required to review this policy at intervals of not more than five years. The purpose of the policy is to help prevent the catastrophic failure of a potentially dangerous dam, and to ensure deficiencies in an earthquake-prone or flood-prone dam are addressed.... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
Class 4 Gaming Venues and Racing Board Venues Policy Review
The Marlborough District Council (Council) want to hear your thoughts on its proposed Gambling Venue and TAB venue policies. Under the relevant legislation (Gambling Act 2003 and Racing Industry Act 2020) Council are required to review both Policies every three years. Under the Gambling Act 2003 and the Racing Industry Act 2020, Territorial Authorities can approve consents for Class 4 (pokie machines) gambling venues and standalone racing (TAB) venues. Both Acts require... MoreClosed 8 August 2023 -
Further Submission - PMEP Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource
Go directly to submission form On 9 March 2023, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource. Variation 3 proposes to include Meretoto/Ship Cove (including Motuara Island) as a Heritage Resource in the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP). Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga have previously entered the site into the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero as a ‘Historic Place Category 1’ (List number 9900). In... MoreClosed 21 July 2023 -
Further Submission - PMEP Variation 2: Ecologically Significant Marine Sites
Go directly to submission form On 9 March 2023, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 2: Ecologically Significant Marine Sites (ESMS) to the Proposed Marlborough Environment Plan. The purpose of the variation is to add new ESMS, adjust the spatial boundaries of some existing sites within the Marlborough Sounds as well as amending category status and buffers where appropriate. The variation is necessitated by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) requirement... MoreClosed 21 July 2023 -
Speed Management Plan Consultation
With the introduction of the national road safety strategy Road to Zero, the way speed management is being done throughout New Zealand is changing. This means that decisions on speed management are now able to be made at a local level. As part of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022, all Councils in New Zealand are required to prepare speed management plans to consider how implementing safety infrastructure and speed limits can make our roads safer. ... MoreClosed 11 July 2023
29 results.
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