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Helping Families Nelson Trust
Please provide below your comments, decision you seek and any supporting documentation relating to other areas of Council.
The decision I seek from Council is
On behalf of Helping Families Nelson Trust, I am making a submission to request that Marlborough District Council commits to support Te Tauihu Community Development Agency in its Long-Term Plan and makes a financial contribution to support the agency.
In our work in the community, we face many many challenges including financial uncertainty, increase in general costs, low volunteer numbers and the ever-increasing number of whanau/individuals needing support.
We see the opportunities of having a community development agency supporting us to face these challenges through help with governance training, grant writing, volunteer recruitment, fundraising options, and general support when we have questions regarding anything in our sector.
Marlborough District Council supporting Te Tauihu Community Development Agency aligns with Council’s vision, purpose and priorities and Council’s responsibilities, as outlined in the Local Government Act 2002, for the delivery of the four wellbeings including promoting social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing.
In our work in the community, we face many many challenges including financial uncertainty, increase in general costs, low volunteer numbers and the ever-increasing number of whanau/individuals needing support.
We see the opportunities of having a community development agency supporting us to face these challenges through help with governance training, grant writing, volunteer recruitment, fundraising options, and general support when we have questions regarding anything in our sector.
Marlborough District Council supporting Te Tauihu Community Development Agency aligns with Council’s vision, purpose and priorities and Council’s responsibilities, as outlined in the Local Government Act 2002, for the delivery of the four wellbeings including promoting social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing.