Response 87551136

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Sounds Roading Funding

Which of the five options do you support?

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Radio button: Unticked Option 1
Radio button: Unticked Option 2(a)
Radio button: Ticked Option 2(b) 
Radio button: Unticked Option 2(c) 
Radio button: Unticked Option 2(d) 
Radio button: Unticked None of the above
Please tell us why you have selected the option above
-The roads in the Sounds are a significant asset to the region, not only for those who have property
there but for the whole of Marlborough and to a degree the whole country. We have had property on
the Kenepuru Road for nearly 40 year and the tourist traffic (local, NZ and international) is significant.
To do nothing and ultimately see these roads close would be a poor long
term economic decision. We do NOT support option #1 (Do minimum option).
- We consider the rates weighting of 100 for all sounds properties with road access and a weighting of
25 for all other Marlborough ratepayers is equitable and appears to follow precedent. Option B
- We do not agree with the division of the Sounds region into 5 separate areas. We consider this level
of separation is arbitrary and contrary to historical practice.
- All properties in the greater sounds area with road access understand the difficulties involved in
maintaining access. They are also aware that the existing roads are not always well sited or
appropriately engineered. In effect most are upgraded bullock tracks! They are also aware that the
weather system in the sounds is fickle and extreme weather events can occur in one area but not
another. To establish separate areas now will mean that future localised weather damage will have to
be treated in the same manner. We suggest this will cause future friction between areas. It will
certainly cause administration nightmares!
- It was noted at the public meetings on this problem that the Kenepuru Rd was by far the largest
roading system. It provides access to some of the most beautiful, remote areas which many
Marlbourians take advantage of. It provides a access to Tourist hotels/motels, farms, camping
grounds, business etc etc.
- As an example of the arbitrary nature of the SOunds zones seperation we own a property 20km in on
the Kenepuru Road. We very rarely travel beyond that point but under option 2(C) we would be
sharing costs for all the roads beyond our property. There is at least another 120km of roading
beyond our property!
- In conclusion we strongly suggest that MDC do not divide the Sounds into zones and adopt
the approach that all Sounds residents with road access should be treated equally, as one rating