Response 746072991

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What is your organisation?

Organisation name (if applicable)
Essons Valley Art and Craft

Arts, Culture and Heritage

Do you support the proposal to implement a new Arts, Culture and Creativity Strategy for Marlborough?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Support in part/Oppose in part
Please tell us why you have selected the option above
Funding for the art sector is well overdue, I have lived in Marlborough for 20 years now and nothing significant has happened yet, so I would welcome some funding and some action on making Marlborough a better place to live for artists

Do you support the proposals to provide additional funding to the Marlborough Museum and Marlborough Public Art Gallery?

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Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Ticked Support in part/Oppose in part
Please tell us why you have selected the option above
I am all for extra funding for the gallery but think the museum a waste of time unless it is moved to the town centre