Response 454925549

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Culture and Heritage

Please provide below your comments, decision you seek and any supporting documentation relating to Culture and Heritage.

This is for the Arts Strategy being proposed to be part of the LTP.

I am an artist and I live in Marlborough full time. I have traveled across the motu and have seen how the arts are appreciated and have become a focus of many different councils in this country. Marlborough currently has no outward support of even a plan in place that supports its local artists. This is quite an archaic approach, and it is time for Marlborough to catch up with the rest of the country and celebrate, appreciate and support its local artists. If you look at closest neighbour, Nelson/Tasman, they have a plan in place that supports their local artists and it’s a thriving community. There is a festival every year celebrating the local artists, and they even have an arts council that helps make decisions that help support their artist community.
The decision I seek from Council is
This arts strategy is a great comprehensive and solid foundation to start from and build off of. The decision I seek from council is to increase the funding for the strategy from $500,000 over ten years to 1 million dollars. If you break down these figures it is only $50k a year to support the local arts community which won’t get anyone very far. The local artists community would like to see a greater focus on the arts and thus an increase of the proposed budget. This opens up a lot more opportunities that will engage the local community, lifting up the vitality of our region and show the rest of the country that Marlborough isn’t just a farming community.

If you look at the talent in our region, there is a lot of really incredible and well respected artists that live in our community. However the opportunities for these artists in Marlborough are also most non existent. With a healthy budget, the strategy would be able to meet the needs of the local artists and therefore making Marlborough a more beautiful, creative and colourful place for everyone.

Funding Request - Financial Information

Please list what other fundraising activities your group has undertaken for this project including applying for funds elsewhere eg Rata Foundation, Community Grants, Trusts and Government Funding
Constantly local artists have to seek funding from outside the region. I personally have gone to CreativeNZ for funding as there is a lot more support from them than exists currently in Marlborough.
Total amount requested $