Speed Management Plan Consultation

Closed 11 Jul 2023

Opened 13 Jun 2023


With the introduction of the national road safety strategy Road to Zero, the way speed management is being done throughout New Zealand is changing. This means that decisions on speed management are now able to be made at a local level.

As part of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022, all Councils in New Zealand are required to prepare speed management plans to consider how implementing safety infrastructure and speed limits can make our roads safer. 

The Rules can be found on the Waka Kotahi website using the links below:      

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022 

Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022(PDF,564KB)             

Effective speed management is more than just setting speed limits, it is also about infrastructure and road design.  Rather than looking at speed limit changes on a street-by-street basis, the draft Plan establishes principles for speed management in our district.  The draft Plan also shows speed limit changes Council is proposing to implement along with new infrastructure.

The draft Plan includes changes to speed limits on a number of Council roads - particularly reducing speeds around schools (in line with new national rules) and lowering speeds in our small townships to make them safer for pedestrians. 

Marlborough District Council, as a unitary council, undertakes the role of both district and regional Council.  The Marlborough Regional Speed Management Plan combines the Speed Management plans for Marlborough’s local roads (funded by Council), Marlborough’s state highways (funded by Waka Kotahi), and other road controlling authorities.

Council is undertaking consultation on the Marlborough Regional Speed Management Plan, in particular the local roads. 

Go to a Smart Map showing current and proposed speed limits 

Waka Kotahi has undertaken an Interim Speed Management Plan and is in the process of preparing a full Speed Management Plan, which will be incorporated into the Regional Plan once complete.

Go to the Waka Kotahi Interim Speed Management Plan     

We encourage you to read more about the principles and the changes that will occur in your area. Submissions close on 11 July 2023.

The Proposed Regional Speed Management Plan can be found using the link below:

Proposed Regional Speed Management Plan(PDF,1.10MB)

The Technical Assessment can be found using the link below:

Technical Assessment(PDF3.87MB)

We want to hear your views on this draft plan.

Use the link below to start your submission.

Submissions close on 11 July 2023.

Please see below in the events section for drop in locations and times for assistance with completing your submission.

