Further Submission - PMEP Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource

Closed 21 Jul 2023

Opened 22 Jun 2023


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On 9 March 2023, the Marlborough District Council notified Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource.

Variation 3 proposes to include Meretoto/Ship Cove (including Motuara Island) as a Heritage Resource in the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan (PMEP).  Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga have previously entered the site into the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero as a ‘Historic Place Category 1’ (List number 9900).

In accordance with Section 6, Resource Management Act 1991, Council needs to recognise and provide for the protection of historic heritage from inappropriate subdivision, use and development.

Go to the Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource webpage

Background information, reports and other related information are available on the Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource hearing portal.

Go to the Variation 3: Meretoto/Ship Cove Heritage Resource hearing portal

The period for making submissions on the variation closed on 11 April 2023 with the Council receiving 6 submissions.

Go to a summary of the decisions requested and the full submissions

The following persons may make a further submission but only in support of or in opposition to any of the submissions already received:

  • Any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
  • Any person that has an interest in the plan greater than the interest that the general public has.

Within 5 working days of lodging a further submission with the Council, you must serve a copy on the person who made the submission to which your further submission relates.  The contact address for submitters is available below:

Variation 3 Submitter Contact Details(PDF,3.2MB)

Once the closing date for lodging further submissions has passed, the Council will hold a hearing to consider the submissions and further submissions that have been lodged and will then issue a decision(s) on the proposed variations.  Anyone who has made a submission or further submission, and who has indicated that they wish to be heard, will have the right to attend the hearings and to present their submission or further submission.  Those people will be notified of the hearing dates in due course.

Use the link below to start your submission.

Further submissions close on Friday, 21 July 2023