Marlborough Civil Defence Emergency Management Plan Submission

Closes 4 Oct 2024

Privacy Disclaimer – Consultative Procedure

Your privacy is important to us at the Marlborough District Council (Council). We take our obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 (Privacy Act), and the information privacy principles in the Privacy Act, seriously. Personal information provided by you will be held and protected by us in accordance with the Privacy Act.

This privacy disclaimer has been prepared in accordance with our obligations and your rights under the Privacy Act.

Please see Council’s Privacy Statement

To ensure effective and transparent consultation and decision-making, Council needs to collect personal information about submitters. Any submission lodged in association with this policy will become a local authority record.

Council is undertaking a Consultative Procedure in relation to this policy and does not require all submissions to be made available to members of the public.

Your name and the content of your submission will be made available to the public via the Council’s website, the main reception at the Council, and the Council’s libraries and service centres. Your postal address and contact details will not be made available to the public.  

Please advise us when lodging your submission if you want all or specific parts of your submission to be held in confidence.

Council may be required under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 to share your submission, including the address and contact details you provided, if requested. Council may withhold all or part of your submission if exceptional circumstances apply.

You can access and correct personal information by contacting Council or by emailing

If you are unsatisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 10-094
Wellington, New Zealand
04 474 7590
Enquiries Line (from Auckland): 302 8655
Enquiries Line (from outside Auckland): 0800 803 909
Fax: 04 474 7595

I am authorising Council to publish the information provided in this submission at its discretion, including my name and the content of my submission